Descuradas. Works from the Norlinda and José Lima Collection.

ServiceVideoClientCentro de Arte OLIVAYear2023

Descuradas reveals a large number of works from the Norlinda and José Lima (NJL) collection that have never been publicly displayed since they were integrated into the collection. This private collection has been in storage and available to the public at the Centro de Arte Oliva since 2013, where it has been presented through a regular program of temporary exhibitions.

View project on client page
  • Preliminary interview with the artists
  • Shot planning
  • Sony A7IV UHD S-LOG3/S-GAMUT3.Cine
  • Rode Video Mic + Zoom H6
  • Tilta Gravity G1-X gimbal
  • Sachtler tripod
  • Editing and color grading in DaVinci Resolve Studio.
  • Custom color calibration tailored to the light source, supported by 3D LUT Creator.
  • Royalty free music.
  • Motion graphics provided by the client.